2006년 11월 13일

개발자가 읽어야 할 필독서 모음

예전에 KLDP에서 "컴서적 명예에 전당에 들어갈 책은 ?" 이란 주제로 관심을 끌어던 내용이다. 현재 자신이 필요한 서적이 무엇인지 찾는데 도움이 될것이다.

이녀석들 뿐만 아니라 역대 Jolt 상을 수상했던 목록도 찾아보면 쏠쏠한 재미(?)를 느낄수 있을 것이다.

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트70

Thinking In Java/Bruce Eckel => 3판의 경우 웹에서 열람가능하다. (http://www.mindview.net/Books/TIJ/) Effective Java 도 관심을 갖자
Practical C Programming/Steve Oualline
Instant CORBA/Robert Orfali,Dan Harkey,Jeri Edwards
Modern Database Management/Fred R.McFadden,Jeffrey A.Hoffer,Mary B.Prescott
Programming Pearls/Jon Bently => 현재 2판이 나와있다.
Effective C++/Scott Meyers => 3판이 나온듯 하다.
Unix Network Programming/W.Richard Stevens
MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel/Jean J.Labrosse => 2판이 나왔다.
Unix Internals:The New Frontiers/Uresh Vahalia
Extreme Programming Installed/Ron Jeffries,Ann Anderson,Chet Hendrickson

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트40

Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines/Apple Computer Staff
Design Patterns/Gang of Four => 2판이 나왔으면 좋겠다 ~_~;
Refactoring/Martin Fowler
The Pragmatic Programmer:From Journeyman to Master/Andrew Hunt,David Thomas,Ward Cunningham(Preface)
Peopleware:Productive Projects and Teams/Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister
Linkers and Loaders/John R. Levine
Client Server Database Enterprise Computing/James Martin
DataWareHouse From Architecture To Implementation/Bary Devlin
Operation System Design-The XINU Approach/Douglas Comer
Writing Solid Code/Steve Maguire
Algorithm+Data Structure=Programs/NIclus Wirth
Code Complete/Steve McConnell
Component Software:Beyond Object Oriented Programming/Clemens Szyperski
Software Reuse-Architecture,Process and Organization for Business Success/Ivar Jacobson,Martin Griss,Patrik Jonsson
Extreme Programming Explained/Kent Beck
Applying UML and Patterns,2nd Ed/Craig Larman
The Java Programming Languages, 3rd Ed/David Holmes,James Gosling,Ken Arnold
리눅스 완전분석으로 가는 길/박장수
Operating System Concept/Abraham Silberschatz
TCP/IP Illustrated Volume I,II,III/W.Richard Stevens
Advanced Programming in UNIX Environments/W.Richard Stevens
Understanding COM+/David S.Platt
Compilers: Principles,Techniques and Tools/Jeffrey D.Ullman
Numerical Reciples in C/William H.Press
The C++ Programming Language Special Ed/Bjarne Stroustrup
Effective STL/Scott Meyers
Professional Jini/Sing Li
C++ Primer/Stanley B.Lippman,Josee Lajoie
대용량 데이터베이스 시스템/이화식,조광원
Armchair Universe/A.K.Dewdney
Writing for Computer Science/Justin Zobel
The C Programming Language/Brian W.Kernighan,Dennis M.Ritchie
Bugs in Writing Revisted:A Guide to Debugging Your Prose/Lyn Dupre
The Design of The UNIX Operationg System/Maurice Bach
Building Business Objects/Peter eles,Oliver Sims
The Art of Computer Programming:Fundamental Algorithms/D.Knuth
Professional ATL COM Programming/Ricard Grimes
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2/Douglas Schmidt
Inside Java2 Virtual Machine/Bill Venners
Understanding ActiveX/COM/David Chappell

개발자가 놓지지말아야할 책 베스트20

Fundamentals of Data Structues in C++/Ellis Horowitz,Dinesh Mehta
Computer Networks/Andrews.Tanenbaum
Modern C++ Design/Andrei Alexandrescu
Database System Concepts/Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan
Modern Database Management/DaFred R.McFadden,Jeffrey A.Hoffer,Mary B.Prescott
Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques/Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System/Marshall Kirk McKusick,Keith Bostic,Michael J.Karels
UNIX Power Tools/Jerry D.Peek,Tim O’Reilly,Mike Loukides
The Unix Programming Environment/Brian W.Kernighan,Rob Pike(Contributor),Robert Pike
The Cathedral & The Bazaar/Eric S.Raymond
The Society of MIND/M.Mmsky
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML/Meilir Page-Jones
Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface/David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Design Web Usability The Practice of Simplicity/Jakob Nielsen
Introduction to Algorithms/Charles E.Leiserson,Ronald L.Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen
Introduction to the Team Software Process/Watts S.Humphrey,Marc Lovelace
Mythical Man Month/Frederick P.Brooks
The Psychology of Computer Programming/Gerald M.Weinberg
After the Gold Rush/Steve C McConnell
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Ed/Harold Abelson,Gerald Jay Sussman,Julie Sussman

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현재 시리우스(Sirius) 라이브러리라는 제품을 개발하고 이를 소개하는 홈페이지를 오픈 하였습니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 방문 요청드립니다. 앞으로 업데이트 소식및 변경사항은 스파이럴랩 홈페이지를 통해 진행할 예정입니다. 스파이럴랩 홈페이지 :  h...